Here you will find practical tips to help you achieve your nutritional goals.

Nutrition is important - but how do I eat right? That can be quite a difficult question. But don't worry, because with our nutrition coach you're definitely on the right track!

Grundlagen der Ernährung

Basics of nutrition

A balanced diet is the foundation of a healthy lifestyle. It includes macronutrients such as proteins, carbohydrates and fats as well as essential vitamins and minerals. A conscious diet promotes well-being, supports the immune system and helps prevent illness. Find out more about the basics of nutrition.

More about the basics of nutrition
10 Tipps zum Abnehmen - Schnell & Gesund!

Nutrition goals

Nutrition goals are individual and can range from weight management to muscle building to improving overall health. Clearly defining your goals will help you develop a customized nutrition plan that meets your needs and gets you closer to your desired state. Learn more about how to successfully achieve your specific nutritional goals.

More about nutrition goals

Forms of nutrition

Personalized nutrition adapts your diet to your individual needs, goals and genetic requirements. It takes into account personal factors such as age, gender, activity level and possible intolerances to ensure optimal nutrient intake. This will help you achieve your health and fitness goals more effectively. Discover more about the benefits of a customized diet.

More about diets

Intermittent fasting

Intermittent fasting is a flexible eating strategy that alternates periods of eating and fasting. This method supports weight loss, improves metabolic health and can contribute to longevity. Whether you choose the 16/8 method, the 5:2 model or 24-hour daily fasting, intermittent fasting adapts to your lifestyle. Discover how intermittent fasting can improve your wellbeing.

More about intermittent fasting
Essen vor dem Sport

Essen vor dem Sport

Entdecke die besten Tipps für das optimale Pre Workout Meal, um deine Sportleistung zu maximieren. Finde heraus, welche Lebensmittel sich perfekt eignen, um deinen Körper ideal auf das Training vorzubereiten und im entscheidenden Moment Höchstleistungen zu bringen. Wir liefern dir wertvolle Empfehlungen für die optimale Sporternährung vor dem Training. Lerne die besten Snacks kennen, die dich mit dem Extra-Boost versorgen

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Essen nach dem Sport

Essen nach dem Sport

Erfahre, was du nach dem Sport essen solltest, um deine Regeneration zu beschleunigen und Muskelaufbau optimal zu unterstützen. Mit vielen praktischen Tipps und Rezeptideen für das perfekte After Workout Meal. Wehre Muskelkater effektiv ab und fülle deine Energiespeicher schnell wieder auf! Entdecke die besten Lebensmittel für die Zeit nach dem Training und stelle deine Ernährung perfekt auf deine sportlichen Ziele ein.

Mehr zu Essen nach dem Sport
Meal Prepping

Meal Prepping

Mit diesem Guide erfährst du alles über die Vorteile von Meal Prep und wie du das Vorkochen von gesunden Mahlzeiten ganz einfach in deinen Alltag integrieren kannst. Spare Zeit, Geld und Stress mit unseren besten Tipps und leckeren Rezeptideen für deine Meal Prep Routine! Lerne, wie du mit cleverer Planung, den richtigen Vorbereitungstechniken und abwechslungsreichen Gerichten erfolgreich Meal Preppen kannst.

Mehr zu Meal Prepping


Caffeine is found in coffee, tea, energy drinks and certain medicines. It increases alertness and concentration in the short term, but can lead to sleep disorders and nervousness if consumed in excess. A moderate intake of caffeine can have positive effects, but caution is advised. Find out how you can use caffeine positively.

More about caffeine

Junk food

Junk food is food that is high in sugar, fat and salt and usually low in essential nutrients. Eating too much can have harmful effects on health, such as weight gain and an increased risk of chronic diseases. Consciously reducing junk food and choosing nutrient-rich alternatives promotes health and well-being. Find out more about junk food here.

More about junk food

Calorie calculator

A calorie calculator helps you to determine your daily energy requirements based on individual characteristics such as age, gender and activity level. This tool is essential for achieving nutritional goals, be it weight management or performance enhancement. By adjusting your calorie intake, you can optimize your health. Learn more about Calorie Calculator.

More about calorie calculator


Ein Kalorienrechner hilft dir, deinen täglichen Energiebedarf basierend auf individuellen Merkmalen wie Alter, Geschlecht und Aktivitätsniveau zu bestimmen. Dieses Tool ist essentiell für das Erreichen von Ernährungszielen, sei es Gewichtsmanagement oder Leistungssteigerung. Durch gezielte Anpassung deiner Kalorienzufuhr kannst du deine Gesundheit optimieren. Erfahre mehr über Kalorienrechner.

Mehr zu Kalorienrechner