1 What does a gluten-free diet mean?
Für wen ist eine Diät ohne Gluten wichtig?
2 This is how healthy a gluten-free diet is
Hilft die glutenfreie Ernährung beim Abnehmen?
3 How to successfully switch to a gluten-free diet
Ein glutenfreier Ernährungsplan hilft bei der Umsetzung Glutenfreie Trinkmahlzeiten: Eine praktische Lösung
4 Conclusion: A gluten-free diet can help

Find out everything you need to know about a gluten-free diet in this article. So that in the end you know how healthy it actually is, where gluten is found and how you can eat gluten-free.

The most important facts at a glance:

  • Gluten is a protein found in grains such as wheat, spelt and barley.
  • A gluten-free diet is an option if you have a wheat allergy, gluten intolerance or wheat sensitivity.
  • An allergy can lead to symptoms such as watery eyes and even anaphylactic shock.
  • Many people suffer from intestinal complaints but are unaware that this could be linked to a gluten-rich diet.
  • A gluten-free diet is not necessarily healthy if the diet is not balanced and does not contain any vitamins.
  • A nutrition plan helps with the switch to a gluten-free diet.

The trend towards a gluten-free diet has become increasingly strong in recent years and now seems to have reached the center of our society. However, many people do not realize what it is all about and why it makes sense at all.

You can find all the answers to these questions here.

"Gluten-free diet" means that all foods eaten throughout the day do not contain the protein gluten, which is found in various types of grain.

"Gluten" (often also called gluten protein is a storage protein that is made up of various proteins. It is largely responsible for the elasticity of the dough during baking.

For whom is a gluten-free diet important?

There are three known causes for which the body reacts negatively to gluten and for which a gluten-free diet is an option:

  • Wheat allergy
  • coeliac disease (Celiac disease[1])
  • Wheat sensitivity (Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity)

Wheat allergy is similar to other allergies. The immune system sees the wheat protein as an "enemy" and tries to fight it. The symptoms can be mild (e.g. watery eyes) or severe (e.g. anaphylactic shock).

Coeliac disease is not an allergy, but an intolerance to gluten. This intolerance leads to Inflammation of the intestinal mucosawhich subsequently manifests itself as diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain, flatulence or loss of appetite. Here too, there are different degrees of intolerance. Coeliac disease is hereditary and cannot yet be treated - a gluten-free diet is the only solution.

In contrast to the two options already mentioned, wheat sensitivity cannot be detected in the blood. The people affected suffer from symptoms similar to those of coeliac disease. It is assumed that far more people are affected by wheat sensitivity than by allergy or intolerance.[2] And although the intolerance cannot be proven here, a gluten-free diet usually helps those affected.

Another possibility as to why some people cannot tolerate gluten could be the "nocebo effect". In contrast to the better-known "placebo effect", the subconscious causes the body to react negatively to products containing gluten. The cause lies in the "bad reputation" that gluten has acquired in the public perception.

This is how healthy a gluten-free diet is

If you suffer from one of the diseases mentioned above, then a gluten-free diet is a must anyway in order to avoid the unpleasant symptoms. But how healthy is a gluten-free diet for people who are not affected by an intolerance (coeliac disease)?

As gluten is contained in most common cereals, especially wheat, it is not included in the diet. In a way, this is an advantage when you consider that unhealthy foods such as junk food or many desserts contain wheat.

If you opt for fruit and vegetables instead, you are definitely making the right choice.

The bottom line is that a gluten-free diet is not automatically healthy is healthy. You still need to make sure that you take enough vitamins and avoid artificial sugar as far as possible. This is because sugar is one of the main causes of heart disease.[3]

Incidentally, a gluten-free diet is also not a problem for athletes. There are plenty of other foods (more on this shortly) that supply the body with gluten-free carbohydrates and provide energy. This means that you can continue to do strength and endurance sports without losing muscle mass.

Does a gluten-free diet help you lose weight?

Yes and no. Although it is true that many people lose weight when switching to gluten-free products successfully lost weight have lost weight.[4] But it depends very much on what kind of lifestyle you lead.[5]

A positive calorie balance leads to Body weight built up is built up. However, if you have a constant calorie deficit, you will lose weight. This has nothing to do with the presence of gluten. Rather, it has to do with how much energy the body uses in everyday life and how much it gets from food.

If you do not replace gluten-containing foods with other foods, it is very likely that your weight will decrease. If you don't want this, you will have to eat the missing calories.

Disadvantages and side effects of the gluten-free diet

The by far biggest disadvantage - which affects daily life rather than health - is that it is often not so easy to live with a gluten-free diet in everyday life.

"Is there gluten in it?" is a question that has to be asked anew every day. Unfortunately, tolerance towards gluten intolerance is not yet very pronounced in German-speaking countries.

Another disadvantage is that gluten-free bread, and other products that rely on wheat substitutes, have a bad taste is said to have a bad taste. If bread and other baked goods are an integral part of your diet, the alternatives could be a challenge for your taste buds.

Another disadvantage is that gluten-free bread and other products that rely on wheat substitutes are said to have a bad taste. If bread and other baked goods are an integral part of your diet, the alternatives could be a challenge for your taste buds.

In this case, the clear recommendation would be to completely eliminate the alternatives from your diet and focus on healthy alternatives (such as fruit or vegetables) instead.

Negative side effects have not yet been identified when avoiding foods containing gluten. It only becomes problematic when you resort to highly industrially processed foods, as these often contain a lot of sugar and unhealthy fats.[6]

Wie die Umstellung auf glutenfreie Ernährung gelingt

Besonders für Menschen, bei denen Weizen und anderes glutenhaltiges Getreide ein fixer Bestandteil des Alltags sind, ist die Umstellung schwer.

Um dir den Einstieg in ein glutenfreies Leben ein wenig zu erleichtern, haben wir hier eine Liste mit praktischen Tipps zusammengestellt.

  • Start small
    Um dich an das Thema heranzutasten reichen erstmal nur 2 glutenfreie Tage pro Woche. Oder ein “Experiment” von 3 Wochen ohne glutenhaltige Kost. Höre dabei auf deinen Körper und achte darauf, ob sich dein Wohlbefinden verbessert.
  • Pack das Problem an der Wurzel
    Wenn die Getreideprodukte nicht im Einkaufswagen landen, können sie später auch nicht gegessen werden. Dieser Tipp mag im ersten Moment vielleicht lächerlich klingen. Aber am besten du denkst das nächste Mal daran, wenn du dich fragst, welches Brot du kaufen möchtest.
  • Decke dich mit Alternativen ein
    Wenn du immer ausreichend Lebensmittel Zuhause hast, die nicht auf glutenhaltigem Getreide basieren, musst du dir keine Gedanken um die Ernährung machen.
  • Im Vorhinein recherchieren
    Auswärts essen ist für gewöhnlich kein Problem. Zumindest nicht, wenn du schon zuvor abgeklärt hast, ob das jeweilige Lokal auch glutenfreies Essen auf der Karte hat. Damit sparst du dir gleichzeitig den skeptischen Blick des Kellners, wenn du nach glutenfreien Alternativen fragst.
  • Fasten hilft
    Ein kleiner Insider Tipp ist, dass du mithilfe von Intervallfasten die Aufnahme von glutenhaltigen Produkten vorbeugen kannst. Der Gedanke dahinter ist nämlich, dass du die Mahlzeit kurzerhand überspringt, bei der du normalerweise am meisten Getreide isst (wie zum Beispiel das Croissant am Morgen).
  • Schau genau hin
    Oft versteckt sich Gluten in Lebensmitteln, in denen du nicht damit rechnen würdest. Hier hilft nur der genaue Blick auf die Inhaltsstoffe am Etikett.

Mit diesen 6 einfachen Tipps wird die Umstellung zu einer glutenfreien Ernährung zum Kinderspiel. Um die Sache noch ein wenig einfacher zu gestalten, findest du im nächsten Punkt eine Liste mit glutenfreien Lebensmitteln.

Einen Mangel oder Entzugserscheinungen musst du bei der Umstellung in der Regel nicht befürchten.

Ein glutenfreier Ernährungsplan hilft bei der Umsetzung

Viele Ernährungsberater stellen ihren Patienten einen Ernährungsplan vor, damit der Einstieg in eine gesündere Diät leichter gelingt. Dasselbe Vorgehen kann bei der glutenfreien Ernährung funktionieren.

Die Vorteile eines klar definierten Ernährungsplans sind eindeutig. Denn du kannst dabei selber bestimmen, welche glutenfreien Nahrungsmittel du einplanen möchtest. Er hilft zudem immens dabei, die Sache wirklich durchzuziehen.

Natürlich kannst du in deinem individuellen Ernährungsplan genauso Cheat-Days oder Fastentage einbauen. Solange der Fokus auf einer glutenfreien Kost liegt, ist praktisch alles erlaubt.

Glutenfreie Trinkmahlzeiten: Eine praktische Lösung

Die glutenfreie Ernährung bietet nicht nur eine notwendige Lösung für Menschen mit Zöliakie oder Weizensensitivität, sondern auch eine Gelegenheit, den eigenen Ernährungsstil bewusst zu überdenken und zu optimieren. Um den Einstieg und die Umsetzung einer glutenfreien Ernährung zu erleichtern, kann der Einsatz von glutenfreien Trinkmahlzeiten eine wertvolle Unterstützung sein.

Diese Produkte sind speziell darauf ausgelegt, eine nahrhafte und ausgewogene Mahlzeit zu bieten, ohne dass Gluten zum Einsatz kommt. Sie vereinfachen nicht nur den Alltag, indem sie eine schnelle und praktische Mahlzeitenoption bieten, sondern stellen auch sicher, dass du alle notwendigen Nährstoffe erhältst, ohne ständig Inhaltsstofflisten studieren zu müssen. Glutenfreie Trinkmahlzeiten können somit eine hervorragende Ergänzung zu deinem Ernährungsplan sein, vor allem in Zeiten, in denen die Zubereitung glutenfreier Mahlzeiten herausfordernd erscheint.

Conclusion: A gluten-free diet can help

Many people suffer from intestinal problems and don't even know that it could be due to gluten-containing foods. A partially or completely gluten-free diet can help here.

At the end of the day, the proof of the pudding is in the eating. You have to find out for yourself whether a gluten-free diet works well for you. You have nothing to lose, so it can only be worth trying for a few weeks.

The tips for making a gluten-free diet easier to follow in this article will help you.

FAQ - Frequently asked questions about a gluten-free diet

What is gluten?

Gluten (often also called "gluten protein") is a protein complex found in various types of grain. The protein ensures the elasticity of the dough during baking.

Where is gluten found everywhere?

Gluten is found in the following types of grain:

  • Wheat
  • spelt
  • Rye
  • Green spelt
  • Oats (not in all)
  • einkorn
  • Barley
  • Kamut
  • Emmer
  • Durum wheat
  • Triticale

How healthy is a gluten-free diet?

A gluten-free diet is neither healthy nor unhealthy per se. Rather, it depends on which foods are used to replace the cereal products and how balanced the diet is.

How does gluten intolerance manifest itself?

People with gluten intolerance often complain of intestinal discomfort, abdominal pain, joint pain or tiredness. If these symptoms always occur after eating wheat products, the likelihood of gluten intolerance is high.

How useful is a gluten-free diet?

A gluten-free diet is particularly useful if you have an allergy, intolerance or wheat sensitivity. A gluten-free diet allows those affected to lead a life without negative symptoms.

How can I eat a gluten-free diet?

A gluten-free diet is possible by avoiding all foods that contain gluten. Vegetables, fruit, eggs and dairy products do not contain gluten - provided they have not been processed.

Is rice gluten-free?

Rice is naturally gluten-free. Although it can be classified as a grain, it does not contain the problematic gluten protein and can be eaten by anyone with a gluten intolerance.

Collapsible content


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