What they are and why we need them
We believe that the key to healthy eating is making informed choices. Macronutrients play an important role in a balanced diet. These are the nutrients that we consume in larger quantities and that make up our daily calorie intake. However, most of us don't know exactly what specific functions these macronutrients have and why we need to include them all in our diet. Yes, even fats.
Read on to find out why macronutrients are so important and how they work in your body.
This is probably the macronutrient we hear about the most and for good reason. Protein is the building block not only for muscles, but also for every cell in our body. It helps to repair and regenerate tissue, fight infection and create new enzymes and hormones. If necessary, protein can also be used to produce energy, although this is not its main function.
Proteins are made up of different types of amino acids, and although the body can produce most of them itself, there are nine amino acids that we can only get from food. These are called essential amino acids and should be consumed daily. Your body can combine these and build all the proteins it needs from them.
Here are some good sources of protein: Beans, nuts, soy, but also meat, eggs, fish and seafood
Carbohydrates are a controversial topic these days. Many diets reduce the amount of carbohydrates to a minimum. However, there are some facts to consider before starting a low-carbohydrate diet. Carbohydrates are the main source of energy not only for the body, but also for the brain. They also help to stabilize blood sugar levels and prevent protein from being converted into energy, thereby preserving muscle mass and keeping protein available for muscle building.
The key with carbohydrates is to choose carbohydrates that take longer to break down. This prolongs the feeling of satiety and ensures that energy is released slowly. Some of the healthiest foods consist largely of carbohydrates. These include wholegrain products, fruit and vegetables.
When we hear the word "fat", we immediately associate it with something unhealthy. In fact, years ago, people were told to limit fat in their diet to prevent weight gain and avoid heart disease. Research has since shown that fats should be an essential part of any diet and that not all fats are created equal. There are four different types of fats: monounsaturated, polyunsaturated, saturated and trans fats. We give a brief overview.
Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are also known as healthy fats. Monounsaturated fats can help to reduce bad cholesterol and the risk of heart disease, they can also help with weight loss and provide a stable energy output. Polyunsaturated fats not only offer some of the benefits that monounsaturated fats do, but they also provide the body with essential omega 3 and omega 6 fats. They support healthy brain and muscle function.
Saturated fats are very difficult to place. While monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are considered good and trans fats are considered bad, saturated fats come in between. Some studies suggest that saturated fats are just as bad as trans fats, that they raise cholesterol levels and can cause heart disease. However, other researchers argue that they have health benefits and should be consumed. In the end, most dietitians agree that you should consume saturated fats, but limit their amount to 10% of your daily calorie intake.
Trans fats are what you really need to watch out for. They are generally known as the worst type of fat. There are currently no known health benefits of trans fats. They lower good cholesterol and raise bad cholesterol.
Good sources of fat are: raw nuts, avocado, vegetable oils and fish
Ballaststoffe sind ein weiterer wichtiger Bestandteil einer ausgewogenen Ernährung, obwohl sie streng genommen kein Makronährstoff sind. Sie sind unverdauliche Kohlenhydrate, die in pflanzlichen Lebensmitteln vorkommen. Ballaststoffe haben viele gesundheitliche Vorteile. Sie fördern eine gesunde Verdauung, indem sie die Darmbewegungen regulieren und die Darmflora unterstützen. Außerdem helfen sie, das Sättigungsgefühl zu verbessern und den Blutzuckerspiegel zu stabilisieren.
Es gibt zwei Arten von Ballaststoffen: lösliche und unlösliche. Lösliche Ballaststoffe können Wasser binden und bilden eine gelartige Substanz im Darm. Sie verlangsamen die Verdauung und helfen, den Cholesterinspiegel zu senken. Unlösliche Ballaststoffe hingegen beschleunigen die Darmpassage und beugen Verstopfung vor.
Gute Ballaststoffquellen sind Vollkornprodukte, Hülsenfrüchte, Obst und Gemüse. Es wird empfohlen, täglich mindestens 30 g Ballaststoffe zu sich zu nehmen. Eine ballaststoffreiche Ernährung in Kombination mit ausreichend Flüssigkeitszufuhr ist der Schlüssel für eine gesunde Verdauung und ein langanhaltendes Sättigungsgefühl.
Optimize macronutrient intake with drinking meals
To ensure a balanced intake of all macronutrients, drinking meals of Saturo are a practical and efficient solution. They are specifically designed to provide a balanced amount of proteins, carbohydrates and healthy fats, which are essential for promoting brain health and cognitive function. With drinkable meals from Saturo you can make sure your body gets the nutrients it needs, regardless of your busy lifestyle or specific dietary needs. They are a convenient way to supplement your diet while supporting your body and mind.
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Häufig gestellte Fragen
Was sind Makro und Mikronährstoffe?
Makronährstoffe sind Eiweiße (Proteine), Kohlenhydrate und Fette. Sie liefern Energie und bilden die Basis unserer Ernährung. Mikronährstoffe dagegen sind Vitamine, Mineralstoffe und Spurenelemente, die der Körper nur in sehr geringen Mengen benötigt, die aber lebenswichtig für viele Stoffwechselprozesse sind.
Wie viele Makros brauche ich?
Der Bedarf an Makronährstoffen ist individuell verschieden und hängt von Faktoren wie Alter, Geschlecht, Körpergröße und -gewicht, Aktivitätsniveau und Gesundheitszustand ab. Als Faustregel gelten 0,8-2g Eiweiß und 3-5g Kohlenhydrate pro kg Körpergewicht pro Tag sowie 0,8-1,5g Fett pro kg Körpergewicht. Für eine genauere Bestimmung des persönlichen Bedarfs sind spezielle Rechner oder die Beratung durch einen Ernährungsexperten sinnvoll.
Wie wichtig sind Makros beim Abnehmen?
Die richtige Verteilung der Makronährstoffe kann den Abnehmerfolg unterstützen. Eiweiß ist besonders wichtig, da es sättigt, den Stoffwechsel anregt und den Muskelerhalt fördert. Komplexe Kohlenhydrate liefern langanhaltend Energie. Gesunde Fette verbessern die Vitaminaufnahme und wirken ebenfalls sättigend. Entscheidend ist jedoch ein Kaloriendefizit - man muss weniger Energie aufnehmen als man verbraucht. Eine ausgewogene Makronährstoff-Verteilung kann dabei helfen, dieses Defizit möglichst hungerfrei und dauerhaft durchzuhalten.