Terms of service
General terms and conditions
1. scope of application
The following terms and conditions apply to all orders placed via our online store. Our online store is aimed exclusively at consumers.
For Germany, the following applies: Consumers are, according to § 13 BGB (German Civil Code), any natural person who concludes a legal transaction for purposes that can predominantly be attributed neither to his commercial nor to his independent professional activity.
For Austria: In the following terms and conditions, "consumer" means "consumer" as defined in the Consumer Protection Act (KSchG).
For Switzerland: In the following terms and conditions, "consumer" shall be understood to mean "consumer" according to Swiss law.
2. contracting party, conclusion of contract, correction options
The purchase contract is concluded with Saturo Foods GmbH.
The presentation of the products in the online store does not constitute a legally binding offer, but a non-binding online catalog. You may initially place our products in the shopping cart without obligation and correct your entries at any time before submitting your binding order by using the correction aids provided and explained for this purpose in the order process. By clicking the order button, you make a binding offer for the goods contained in the shopping cart. The confirmation of receipt of your order will be sent by e-mail immediately after sending the order.
We accept your offer within two days by
- we issue a declaration of acceptance in a separate e-mail or
- if applicable, the payment transaction is executed by our service provider or the selected payment service provider. The time of execution of the payment transaction depends on the respective selected payment method (see under "Payment").
The relevant alternative for you depends on which of the listed events occurs first.
3. contract language, contract text storage
The language(s) available for the conclusion of the contract: German, English
We store the contract text and send you the order data and our terms and conditions in text form. For security reasons, the contract text is no longer accessible via the Internet.
4. terms of delivery
In addition to the stated product prices, shipping costs may still be incurred. You can find out more about any shipping costs in the offers.
We deliver only in the dispatch way. A self-collection of the goods is unfortunately not possible.
5. payment
In our store you can basically use the following payment methods:
Credit card
By submitting your order you provide your credit card details. Your card will be charged after the goods have been shipped.
PayPal, PayPal Express
To pay the invoice amount via the payment service provider PayPal (Europe) S.à r.l. et Cie, S.C.A, 22-24 Boulevard Royal, L-2449 Luxembourg ("PayPal"), you must be registered with PayPal, legitimize yourself with your access data and confirm the payment instruction. The payment transaction will be carried out by PayPal after the goods have been shipped. You will receive further instructions in the order process.
Immediately by Klarna
In order to pay the invoice amount through the payment service provider Sofort GmbH, Theresienhöhe 12, 80339 Munich, you must have a bank account activated for online banking, identify yourself accordingly and confirm the payment instruction. Your account will be debited immediately after placing the order. You will receive further instructions in the order process.
Google Pay
In order to pay the invoice amount via the payment service provider Google Ireland Ltd., Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland ("Google"), you must be registered with Google, have activated the Google Pay function, legitimize yourself with your access data and confirm the payment instruction. The payment transaction will be carried out immediately after placing the order. You will receive further instructions in the order process.
Apple Pay
In order to pay the invoice amount via the payment service provider Apple Inc, One Apple Park Way, Cupertino, CA 95014, USA ("Apple"), you must use the "Safari" browser, be registered with Apple, have activated the Apple Pay function, legitimize yourself with your access data and confirm the payment instruction. The payment transaction is carried out immediately after placing the order. You will receive further instructions in the order process.
Amazon Pay
In order to pay the invoice amount via the payment service provider Amazon Payments Europe S.C.A. 38 avenue J.F. Kennedy, L-1855 Luxembourg ("Amazon"), you must be registered with Amazon, legitimize yourself with your access data and confirm the payment instruction. The payment transaction will be executed within one banking day after placing the order. You will receive further instructions in the order process.
EPS transfer of STUZZA Studiengesellschaft für Zusammenarbeit im Zahlungsverkehr GmbH
If you select the payment option eps-transfer in the webshop you will be redirected to a central list of participating Austrian banks. After selecting your banking institution you will be connected to the login of your corresponding online banking. After logging in, you make the payment as usual via online banking by signing a TAN - no further entries such as IBAN, amount or merchant are required. You will then receive an electronic order confirmation.
In cooperation with the payment service provider Klarna Bank AB (publ.), Sveavägen 46, 111 34 Stockholm, Sweden ("Klarna") we offer you the following payment options. Payment via Klarna is only available to consumers. Unless otherwise provided below, payment via Klarna requires a successful address and credit check and is made directly to Klarna. You will receive further instructions with the respective payment option and in the order process.
Purchase on account via Klarna
The invoice amount is due 14 days after shipment of the goods and receipt of the invoice.
Klarna direct debit
You give Klarna a SEPA direct debit mandate. Klarna will inform you about the date of the debit (so-called prenotification). The account will be debited after the goods have been shipped.
6. retention of title
The goods remain our property until full payment. For customers domiciled in Switzerland, we are entitled to make a corresponding entry in the retention of title register.
7. transport damages
If goods are delivered with obvious transport damage, please claim such defects as soon as possible to the deliverer and contact us immediately. Failure to make a complaint or contact us has no consequences for your legal claims and their enforcement, especially your warranty rights. However, they help us to be able to assert our own claims against the carrier or the transport insurance.
8 Warranty and guarantees
8.1 Liability for defects
The statutory liability law for defects shall apply.
For consumers domiciled in Switzerland applies:
They shall, as soon as it is feasible in the ordinary course of business, inspect the quality of the goods received and, if defects are found for which the seller is liable, notify the seller immediately. If the consumer fails to do so, the purchased item shall be deemed to have been accepted, unless the defects were not apparent during the normal course of business. If such defects are discovered later, the notification must be made immediately after discovery, otherwise the item shall be deemed approved also with regard to these defects.
Send the defective product back to us with a description of the defect. You shall bear the transport costs incurred. We provide warranty by rectifying defects. This is done at our discretion either by remedying the defect (rectification) or delivery of a defect-free item (replacement). If the subsequent performance fails, you are entitled to withdraw from the contract. This does not apply in the case of insignificant defects. A right to price reduction is excluded.
8.2 Guarantees and customer service
Information on any applicable additional guarantees and their exact conditions can be found in each case with the product and on special information pages in the online store.
9 Liability
For claims based on damages caused by us, our legal representatives or agents, we are always liable without limitation
- in case of injury to life, body or health,
- in case of intentional or grossly negligent breach of duty,
- in the case of warranty promises, if agreed, or
- insofar as the scope of application of the Product Liability Act is opened.
In the event of a breach of material contractual obligations, the fulfillment of which is a prerequisite for the proper execution of the contract and compliance with which the contractual partner may regularly rely on (cardinal obligations) due to slight negligence on our part, on the part of our legal representatives or vicarious agents, the amount of liability shall be limited to the damage foreseeable at the time of the conclusion of the contract, the occurrence of which must typically be expected.
Otherwise, claims for damages are excluded.
10. code of conduct
We have submitted to the following codes of conduct:
11. dispute resolution
The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (OS), which you can use here can be found here. We are not obliged or willing to participate in a dispute resolution procedure before a consumer arbitration board.