Vergleichssieger: Die beste Astronautennahrung

Astronautennahrung bietet viele Vorteile für Menschen, die eine nährstoffreiche, praktische und zeitsparende Ernährungsoption suchen. Ob als flüssige Trinknahrung, anrührbares Pulver oder handliche Riegel – diese Art der Nahrung vereint alle lebenswichtigen Nährstoffe in einer Mahlzeit. Sie ist reich an Proteinen, Fetten, Kohlenhydraten sowie essentiellen Vitaminen, Mineralstoffen und Spurenelementen, was sie zu einer kompletten und ausgewogenen Ernährung macht. Besonders hervorzuheben ist die Eignung von Astronautennahrung für den modernen, oft hektischen Alltag, sportliche Aktivitäten und Reisen, aber auch als zuverlässiger Krisenvorrat.

Saturo, als Vergleichssieger von Astronautennahrung ausgezeichnet, überzeugt durch seine hochwertige Zusammensetzung, die frei von Gluten und Laktose ist. Hergestellt in Deutschland, punktet Saturo mit einer Vielzahl an Geschmacksrichtungen und der Bereitstellung aller 26 essentiellen Vitamine und Mineralstoffe. Diese Eigenschaften machen Saturo zu einer ausgezeichneten Wahl für diejenigen, die Wert auf eine ausgewogene, proteinreiche Ernährung legen, die schnell zubereitet ist und gleichzeitig lecker schmeckt.

Advantages of astronaut food

Astronaut food provides a variety of benefits for you as a consumer in the form of ready-to-eat drinkable food, powder for mixing or bars. Liquid food is a valuable supplement in everyday life, during sport and on the go.

What nutrients does it contain?

Astronaut food contains all essential nutrients. A balanced ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates as well as essential vitamins, minerals and trace elements result in a complete meal that provides your body with everything it needs and keeps you full for several hours.

When selecting the astronaut food of your choice, we recommend paying attention not only to the type and quantity, but also to the quality of the ingredients. Milk protein, lactose and artificial additives are not well tolerated by some people. Particularly if you are in a critical state of health, you should avoid these as far as possible and opt for plant-based products that are as natural as possible. 

The main advantages are

- Optimally balanced nutrient ratio

- No or minimal preparation time

- Also practical for on the go

-Long shelf life

- Balanced ratio between protein, fats and carbohydrates

- Contains high-quality protein to build muscle

- Ideal quality fats for optimum energy supply and nutrient absorption

- Simple and complex carbohydrates provide energy and keep you full

- Rich in vitamins and minerals

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Forms of astronaut food

Astronaut food is now available in various forms, depending on the area of application and purpose:

Ready-to-drink food: particularly practical and time-saving when on the move.

Powdered drinkable food for mixing: easy to dose and add to smoothies, shakes, muesli etc. according to taste and preference.

Bar: ideal for on the go, before or after sport and as a snack.

Gelling and thickening agentfor binding and enhancing the nutritional value of sauces, soups, etc.

The comparison winner Saturo

Saturo is test winner among the astronaut food products compared and was the only product in this segment to be rated "very good" (as of 02/2020). The ingredients and properties of various products from the areas of medical meal replacement (e.g. Fresubin Energy Drink, Nutrica Fortimel, Nestlé Resource) or lifestyle drinkable foods (e.g. Saturo).

We produce in Austria and Germany. All products are gluten-free and lactose-free. A sophisticated recipe with an extra portion of (plant) protein and 26 vitamins and minerals make our products what they are: High-quality, tasty and balanced meals in seconds and at a fair price.

Astronaut food in everyday life

The primary goal in the production of astronaut food was originally to pack a maximum of nutrients into a minimum of mass. This credo still applies today. In addition, modern products are designed to minimize preparation time and optimize the usability of the ingredients. These properties are extremely valuable for many areas of application and groups of people.

Astronaut food when time is short and on the go

However, astronaut food is no longer used in exceptional situations. More and more people are taking a liking to astronaut food for their everyday lives.

Balanced nutrition in hectic everyday life

You probably know the situation: No time to cook yourself. On the go all day. We eat in between meals and whatever is available. For many of us, this is part of everyday life. We are always busy or even stressed, hardly have a quiet minute and certainly don't have the time to sit down and eat a balanced meal. Astronaut food offers a practical and affordable solution to this problem.

It requires no or minimal preparation and can simply be taken and eaten anywhere.

This ensures a good balance of protein, fat and carbohydrates as well as a supply of all the necessary vitamins and minerals. Different flavors provide variety on the menu. Astronaut food not only makes balanced nutrition possible in hectic everyday life, but also simple, inexpensive and tasty.

Travel provisions for hiking, climbing or cycling tours

If you are out in nature for several days or even weeks, it is of course a challenge to provide yourself with food. However, with drinking food, you are well supplied for various outdoor adventures. This is because it provides maximum nutrients with minimum weight and can be kept unrefrigerated. This makes astronaut food the ideal travel food if you need a lot of energy but want to keep your luggage light.

Extra energy for sport and muscle building

Athletes and bodybuilders are increasingly turning to astronaut food. With its balanced nutrient ratio and easy dosage, liquid food is the ideal companion on the way to your sporting goals. It provides you with easily absorbed energy for your training and is characterized by a high protein content. It is also easy to take with you and can therefore be consumed immediately before or after sport.

Crisis supply

Due to its long shelf life and balanced nutrient composition, astronaut food is ideal as a food supply in the event of a crisis. Liquid food is ready to eat - so you are not dependent on electricity or gas for cooking and are optimally supplied.

The origin of astronaut food

Drinkable food has its origins in space travel. The first astronaut food in the form of small pressed cubes was developed back in the 1960s. The aim was to save space and weight and to provide the astronauts with an optimum supply of all the necessary nutrients. Space food had to be easy to digest, balanced and efficient.

Over the years, it has been discovered that these properties are just as desirable for meals on Earth. As a result, various products have evolved from the space cubes, which are no longer reserved for space travelers alone. Lifestyle drinkable foods should not be confused with medical meal replacements, which are used to treat illnesses. If this applies to you, consult your doctor, especially if you are considering a longer period of use. Saturo This is aimed more at people who don't like cooking and want to replace their breakfast cereal, for example.

Astronautennahrung für Senioren

Astronautennahrung bietet Senioren eine praktische Möglichkeit, ihren Nährstoffbedarf zu decken. Saturo hat spezielle Trinkmahlzeiten entwickelt, die eine hohe Nährstoffdichte in kompakter Form liefern. Diese Produkte sind frei von Gluten und Laktose, hergestellt in Deutschland und bieten eine Vielzahl von Geschmacksrichtungen. Mit Saturo können Senioren eine ausgewogene und proteinreiche Ernährung genießen, die schnell zubereitet ist und köstlich schmeckt.

Astronaut food at a glance - the most important questions answered in compact form

Where is astronaut food used?

Hydration nutrition can be used in many ways: in everyday life, during sport or when traveling.

Where can you buy astronaut food?

Various online stores, supermarkets, pharmacies and drugstores offer a selection of astronaut food. Astronaut food to try is available from Saturo Astronaut food.

Welche Astronautennahrung ist die beste?

Die beste Wahl hängt von den individuellen Bedürfnissen ab. Saturo bietet eine breite Palette an Produkten, die für verschiedene Ernährungsbedürfnisse konzipiert sind, einschließlich hochwertiger Trinkmahlzeiten mit ausgewogenen Nährstoffprofilen, die eine praktische und effiziente Nährstoffversorgung sicherstellen.

Is astronaut food suitable for diabetics?

That depends on the sugar and especially fructose content of the product in question. Saturo Astronaut food was developed on the basis of the average daily requirement of nutrients for adults. There are no specific studies on the effect on diabetics to date.

How much does astronaut food cost?

Prices vary depending on the manufacturer and quality. A liquid meal from Saturo costs less than € 4. Powdered food costs as little as €1.9 and provides the human body with everything it needs.

How healthy is astronaut food?

Astronaut food is an ideal supplement to the daily diet. The drink is particularly high in calories and contains all the essential vitamins, minerals and proteins that the body needs to live. It also contains sufficient fiber.

Welche Astronautennahrung bei Krebs?

Bei Krebs ist nährstoffreiche, medizinische Trinknahrung entscheidend, um das Immunsystem zu stärken und die Erholung zu unterstützen. Produkte sollten proteinreich sein und essentielle Vitamine sowie Mineralstoffe enthalten. Die Auswahl sollte stets in Absprache mit medizinischem Fachpersonal erfolgen, um individuelle Bedürfnisse zu berücksichtigen.

Ist Astronautennahrung vegan?

Astronautennahrung ist nicht zwangsläufig vegan, jedoch stellt Saturo vegane Optionen bereit, die auf pflanzlichen Zutaten basieren und eine vollwertige Nährstoffversorgung für einen veganen Lebensstil bieten.

Wie viel Astronautennahrung am Tag?

Die empfohlene Menge an Astronautennahrung pro Tag variiert je nach individuellen Ernährungsbedürfnissen, Gesundheitszustand und ob sie als vollständiger oder teilweiser Mahlzeitenersatz dient. Im Allgemeinen sollte die tägliche Aufnahme in Absprache mit einem Ernährungsberater oder Arzt festgelegt werden, um eine ausgewogene Ernährung zu gewährleisten und spezifische Ziele oder medizinische Anforderungen zu berücksichtigen.

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1 Cavelti, M., 2019.Energy - Basal metabolic rate - Power metabolic rate - Energy balance - Calorie consumption calculator. [online] Retrieved August 25, 2020

2 Löser, C. (2010). 13 Drinking nutrition, additional nutrition, supplements.Malnutrition and undernutrition: Clinic-modern therapy strategies-budget relevance, 109.

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4 Berg, G., Wagner, H., & Weber, L. (1972).Balanced fiber-free diet for intestinal disease. DMW-Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift, 97(21), 826-829.