1 What is intermittent fasting?
2 16/8 Method for beginners
Alternative: Fasten mit der 12/12 Methode
3 5 to 2 method
Kann man intermittierendes Fasten am Wochenende unterbrechen?
4 Advantages and disadvantages
Alkohol beim Intervallfasten Kaffee ist beim Intervallfasten erlaubt, wenn…
5 10 tips for beginners
6 Conclusion

Intervallfasten ist für Anfänger meist eine große Herausforderung. In diesem Artikel erfährst du alles über die 16/8 und 5 zu 2 Methode, sowie praktische Tipps für Anfänger.

Das wichtigste auf einen Blick:

  • Beim Intervallfasten wird über einen bestimmten Zeitraum (mindestens 12 Stunden) gar nichts und die restliche Zeit normal gegessen.
  • Neben Gewichtsreduktion werden dem Intervallfasten viele weitere positive Effekte (wie eine längere Lebenserwartung oder mehr Stressresistenz) zugewiesen.
  • Die beliebtesten Varianten beim Intervallfasten für Anfänger sind die “16/8” und die “5 zu 2” Methode.
  • Es ist trotzdem wichtig WAS man isst. Intervallfasten kann eine ausgewogene Ernährung und einen gesunden Lebensstil nicht ersetzen.

Intervallfasten kann für Anfänger eine einschüchternde Herausforderung sein. Dabei hat diese Form der Ernährung zahlreiche begeisterte Anhänger in den letzten Jahren gewonnen.

Was tatsächlich an den positiven Effekten dran ist und was nur Mythos ist, erfährst du in diesem umfangreichen Artikel. Darüber hinaus erklären wir dir, welche Methoden beim Intervallfasten für Anfänger infrage kommen und geben dir am Ende des Artikels noch 10 praktische Tipps für einen leichteren Einstieg mit auf den Weg.

Dieser Ernährungsleitfaden soll dabei helfen, die wichtigsten Begriffe zu klären, damit man sich selbst einen Überblick verschaffen kann. Hast du dich auch schon einmal gefragt: “Was sind überhaupt Kalorien?” “Ist Fett im Essen gleich Fett im Körper?” und “Welche Nährstoffe brauche ich wirklich?”

Dann lies weiter, wenn du die Grundlagen der gesunden Ernährung erfahren willst.

Was ist Intervallfasten nochmal?

Beim Intervallfasten (gerne auch “intermittierendes Fasten” oder nur “IF” genannt) geht es darum, über einen bestimmten Zeitraum gar keine Nahrung zu sich zu nehmen. Die Dauer dieser Zeiträume kann variieren, da es unterschiedliche Modelle beim Intervallfasten gibt. Bei einer Methode musst du stundenweise fasten, bei der anderen tageweise.

Im Gegensatz zum “klassischen” Fasten wird beim IF nicht einfach weniger gegessen und auf bestimmte Speisen verzichtet, sondern über bestimmte Zeitperioden gar nichts gegessen. Die Idee hinter Intervallfasten ist, dass der Stoffwechsel in der Fastenphase zur Ruhe kommt und der Körper sich gewissermaßen reinigen kann.1 Viele Studien deuten darauf hin, dass der Stoffwechsel so effektiver arbeiten kann und 1

Dieser Prozess der natürlichen Zellreinigung wird “Autophagie” genannt und wird in Gang gesetzt, wenn der Körper über einen bestimmten Zeitraum (14 bis 16 Stunden) keine Nahrung bekommt.3 Es hat sich sogar gezeigt, dass Intervallfasten die allgemeine Gesundheit verbessern und Krankheiten (meist 4

16/8 Method for beginners

Probably the best-known method of interval fasting - and also the most suitable for beginners - is the 16/8 model. As the name suggests, this form of fasting is all about, fasting for 16 hours and the others 8 hours to eat normally.

This variant is so popular and easy to implement because the sleeping time is already included in the 16 hours of fasting. This makes it much easier for beginners to get used to this new way of eating.

You can choose when the eight hours of eating should take place. Some people prefer to skip breakfast, while others prefer to eat skip dinner.

The only important thing is that you consume enough calories during the 8 hours when eating is allowed. This is because a calorie deficit has been proven to lead to body weight loss - which is only ideal for overweight people. But if you want to gain or maintain your weightyou have to be very careful that you do not eat too little.

There is no general answer as to whether it is better to skip breakfast or dinner.[5] Breakfast is not necessarily the most important meal of the day.[6] That's why it's crucial to slowly approach the ideal rhythm. It doesn't help anyone if you frantically try to live up to a certain model.

Attention: In theory, the 16/8 method can become a problem for women. This is because women have greater hormonal fluctuations depending on their cycle. It has therefore been shown that women are better off with a 12/12 regulation cope better.

Alternative: Fasting with the 12/12 method

The 12 hour method is basically nothing more than the 16 to 8 method, only in a slightly weaker form. Here are 12 hours of fasting while the other half of the day can be spent eating and drinking as normal. With this method, bedtime is also included in the fasting period.
For many beginners (including men), the 12/12 model is an excellent way to get started with intermittent fasting.

5 to 2 method

This model is not based on hours per day, but on days per week. Accordingly 5 days a week you eat normally and on the other 2 days fasted.

Many people prefer this method because they "only" have to fast on two days and can eat normally for the rest of the week.

Important: On the two fasting days, up to 600 calories are allowed.

The 5 to 2 fast is less suitable for beginners because two days without eating properly is a big hurdle to overcome. Most people therefore start with the easier 16/8 (or 12/12) method and then slowly work their way up to it Longer fasting phases slowly.

Can intermittent fasting be interrupted at the weekend?

When it comes to intermittent fasting, the question quickly arises as to whether you can break your fast at the weekend on the weekend.

The short answer: Yes, of course you can break it!

Nobody is forcing you to fast in intervals. Therefore, only you can decide for yourself how intensively you want to do it. The health benefits - e.g. faster weight loss and more stress resistance - are greater, however, if you also fast at the weekend.

The 5 to 2 model is ideal here because you don't have to interrupt your fast at all. If the two fasting days are scheduled for Wednesday and Thursday, for example, you can eat and drink as normal over the weekend.

Advantages and disadvantages

By far the biggest advantage for many newcomers to intermittent fasting is that bedtime is also counted as fasting time. This eliminates 7 to 8 hours during which no feeling of hunger can spread anyway.

Partial fasting can also reduce the average increase life expectancyas a study with male mice has shown.[7]

In addition, intermittent fasting is often referred to as "secret weapon" for weight loss. However, this argument should be viewed with healthy skepticism. It is true that intermittent fasting can help beginners to lose weight quickly.[8] However, WHAT you eat during the fasting period is still crucial.

One disadvantage is undoubtedly that athletes find it more difficult to stick to their daily turnover more difficult. After all, they still have to consume the same number of calories to maintain their weight - they just have significantly less time to do so with intermittent fasting.

In addition, it is often criticized that intermittent fasting helps the muscle building stands in the way of muscle building. The human body only has two sources of energy that it can draw on: Muscle and fat. Muscle is a pure luxury for the body, while fat was essential for the survival of our ancestors.

If nothing is eaten for a certain period of time, the body has to draw on stored energy. Unfortunately, the muscle reserves are the first port of call if there is no intensive strength training and protein intake. For this reason, it can become a problem if you don't eat at all. no sport when fasting by the day.

Alcohol during intermittent fasting

To what extent Alcohol allowed during fasting depends very much on the individual and the preferred method of interval fasting. For athletes, the question usually does not arise at all. Alcohol is a no-go for them anyway because it hinders fat burning.[9]

Furthermore, it depends on which model of intermittent diet you have chosen. For example, if you have chosen the 5 to 2 method, you should logically only consume alcohol on non-fasting days (and even then only in moderate amounts).

Since during the two fasting days a maximum of 500 to 600 calories available to you during the two fasting days, it would not be very intelligent to consume them with alcohol. Alcohol is very high in calories and just one drink can contain over 100 kcal.[10]

The 16 to 8 method is a little different. Theoretically, you can calculate your calorie consumption between the macronutrients in the way that is ideal for you. We from Saturo advise against excessive alcohol consumption during intermittent fasting (and also with a normal diet).

Coffee is allowed during intermittent fasting if...

Tea and coffee are only allowed during intermittent fasting if no milk and no sugar are included. Sugar (which is also contained in milk as lactose) causes the pancreas to release insulin.

This should be avoided because one of the main reasons for intermittent fasting is to allow the pancreas to rest. This is because while insulin is being released, no burn fat be burned.

This is the same reason why snacking in between meals is such a big problem, because the metabolism is constantly active. It turns out that there is no truth to the misconception that snacking helps you lose weight.[11]

Those who black coffee and without additives can be reassured. A cup of black coffee contains no calories, which is why it does not stimulate digestion on its own.[12]

10 tips for beginners

To make it easier for you as a beginner to get started with intermittent fasting, we have compiled a list of the 10 best tips for newcomers here:

  1. Don't think long and hard, do it
    You can watch as many articles and videos about IF as you like. Ultimately, however, it's crucial that you just get started. Because without this first step, you will never find out whether intermittent fasting is right for you or not. 
  2. Approach it slowly
    Nobody runs a marathon if they can't even run 5 kilometers in one go. The same applies to starting interval fasting. As a beginner, you should be careful not to overstrain yourself. The 5 to 2 method in particular overwhelms many people who don't yet know how to do interval fasting properly. 
  3. Choose the method that suits you best
    This ties in directly with the previous point. Because not everyone gets on equally well with every model of intermittent fasting. If your breakfast is sacred to you, then you shouldn't have to give it up. Having said that, please note... 
  4. The times of intermittent fasting are secondary
    It doesn't matter whether you break your fast at 8:00 a.m. or at lunchtime. As long as you keep to the periods of not eating, you are in the green zone. That's what makes the 16/8 method and the weaker 12/12 method so attractive for beginners, because they can be flexibly adapted to any daily routine. 
  5. Eat plenty to get enough calories
    If you don't eat and drink properly, you can't perform. That's why it's essential that you eat enough food during your meal time. Athletes in particular need to pay attention to their calorie balance to avoid losing too much body weight through IF. 
  6. Stick to foods that keep you full for a long time
    Longer fasting phases, as with the 5 to 2 method, can be exhausting for the body and can sometimes make the feeling of hunger unbearable. Complex carbohydrates that keep you full for a long time can help here. Potatoes, sweet potatoes or pulses are good fillers.[13]
  7. Hunger and thirst should not be confused
    In the morning, thirst is often mistaken for a feeling of hunger. A good tip is to drink a large glass of water right after getting up - preferably with lemon and a little salt to make up for the minerals lost during the night. The "false" hunger then often disappears again. 
  8. A daily plan helps with fasting
    Do you find it difficult to find the right times for you? Then a daily plan for intermittent fasting is a solution for you. Define in advance what time you want to break your fast and when the "curfew" is. Prominent examples, such as Eckart von Hirschhausenshow what an intermittent fasting daily schedule can look like. 

If you follow these 10 tips for beginners, you will undoubtedly have an easier start to the interval diet.

Wer diese 10 Tipps für Anfänger beachtet, wird ohne jeden Zweifel einen leichteren Einstieg zur Intervalldiät haben.


As a beginner to intermittent fasting, you can choose which model you want to follow. There is no one best method for intermittent fasting, as they all have their advantages and disadvantages.

The important thing to remember is that intermittent fasting is not a miracle cure for better health. It is still essential to provide your body with all the necessary nutrients. micro- and macronutrients and a balanced diet.

FAQ on intermittent fasting for beginners

How does intermittent fasting work?

Intermittent fasting involves not eating at all for a certain period of time. The metabolism comes to rest and can begin its self-cleansing processes.

What times should be observed during intermittent fasting?

It doesn't really matter at what times you fast. It is much more important that nothing is eaten for at least 12 hours at a time so that the body can start cleansing itself.

What helps against hunger during intermittent fasting?

Hunger is normal during intermittent fasting, which is why you should only eat something when you really can't stand it any longer. Drinking a lot also helps, as thirst is often mistaken for hunger.

What can I eat on the 16-to-8 diet?

Basically, everything is allowed during the eating period. However, it makes sense to eat a diet that focuses on lots of vegetables and complex carbohydrates so that the feeling of satiety lasts longer.

Is alcohol allowed during intermittent fasting?

Yes, the consumption of alcohol is permitted during intermittent fasting - however, alcohol would be counterproductive with the 5 to 2 method. With fasting, as with any other form of nutrition, excessive consumption of alcohol is bad for the body.

Is it possible to eat too little during intermittent fasting?

If you only eat at certain times, you also have to reach your daily calorie intake. Eating too little leads to a loss of body weight.

Can intermittent fasting be interrupted at the weekend?

It is possible to break your fast at the weekend. However, the health benefits are significantly greater if you also fast on Saturday and Sunday. With the 5 to 2 method, however, you can eat normally at the weekend if the fasting days are divided up differently.

Collapsible content


  1.  National Institute on Aging, Research on intermittent fasting shows health benefits (02/2020). Retrieved October 27, 2020
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