1 Was ist Mahlzeitenersatz?
2 Warum Saturo kein Mahlzeitenersatz ist
3 Wie gesund ist so ein Mahlzeitenersatz?
4 Abnehmen mit Mahlzeitersatz-Shake
5 Zunehmen mit Mahlzeitenersatz Shake
6 Mahlzeitenersatz Shake selber machen
1 Was ist Mahlzeitenersatz?
2 Warum Saturo kein Mahlzeitenersatz ist
3 Wie gesund ist so ein Mahlzeitenersatz?
4 Abnehmen mit Mahlzeitersatz-Shake
5 Zunehmen mit Mahlzeitenersatz Shake
6 Mahlzeitenersatz Shake selber machen

Meal replacement products are designed to replace a complete meal and offer a convenient solution for weight management and nutritional support. Although they are often used for weight loss, they can also be beneficial in other areas such as exercise and fitness. It is important to understand that not all meal replacement shakes are the same and legal definitions may vary. SaturoAlthough not designed as meal replacements in the traditional sense, meal replacement shakes offer high-quality nutritional drinks that can serve as nutritious snacks or meal replacements when time is short.

The nutritional drinks from Saturo is characterized by a careful selection of ingredients, includes all 26 essential vitamins and minerals, and provides a balanced nutrient ratio with a focus on protein quality. These aspects make Saturo an attractive option for those who want to enrich their diet with convenient, healthy meals without compromising on taste and quality.

What is meal replacement?

Basically, meal replacement products replace an entire meal. They are mainly used as a means of losing weight. However, meal replacements are also frequently used in the field of sport and fitness. It allows you to replenish your energy reserves when there is no time for a proper meal.

In the EU, a meal replacement product for the purpose of weight loss may only contain between 200 and 400 kcal per serving.1 These diet shakes are so-called "formula diets". They must not be used as the sole source of nutrition for more than three weeks without medical supervision. Meal replacements often come in the form of shakes or powders. Some manufacturers also offer special bars, which can also replace smaller meals.

Despite growing nutritional awareness and improved food safety in developing countries, malnutrition is a pervasive public health issue. While caloric deficiencies and famines are now history in most countries, deficiencies of individual nutrients due to an unbalanced diet are on the rise in some countries.1

Why Saturo is not a meal replacement

At first glance, there doesn't seem to be much difference between meal replacements and Saturo products. From a purely legal point of view Saturo does not meet the requirements for a daily ration for weight-controlled feeding in accordance with Article 1(1)(d) of Regulation (EU) No 609/2013 in conjunction with Article 2(2)(h). A decisive difference is that Saturo is not designed for 1,200 calories per day, but for 2,000 calories per day, so it is not aimed at losing weight, but as a breakfast or lunch when there is less time. If you want to lose weight with meal replacements, we recommend that you choose a medical meal replacement in consultation with your doctor. It is important to note that meal replacements should not be used as the sole source of nutrition for longer than 3 weeks without medical supervision.

Nevertheless, we have put a lot of work into our composition and are of the opinion that our drinks are often better than medical meal replacements in a direct comparison. Meal replacement products often contain a lot of sugar (more than 15g per serving). If you are interested in replacing all meals, have medical requirements or are on a diet, we recommend that you follow the advice of your trusted doctor. Saturo is aimed at customers who are looking for an alternative to junk food from time to time.  

The drinkable food from Saturo follows the principle of classic astronaut food. The products (ready-to-drink or powder) contain hardly any added sugar, but plenty of fiber and high-quality fats (e.g. omega-3 fatty acids). They also contain Saturo meals have a low GI (glycemic index).

We have summarized the special features of Saturo at a glance for you:

  • High-quality ingredients
  • All 26 vitamins and minerals
  • Balanced nutrient ratio
  • Rich in protein
  • Produced in Austria and Germany
  • Available in many delicious flavors
  • Comparison winner with - Test result "VERY GOOD"

How healthy is such a meal replacement?

Meal replacement products are often not a complete substitute.

Meal replacements are an alternative to industrially produced ready meals, which often rely heavily on flavor enhancers such as glutamate. However, it is important to remember that you should not rely exclusively on meal replacements. A balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are the foundation on which you can build with meal replacements. Always talk to your doctor about this.

Lose weight with meal replacement shakes

Meal replacement shakes are suitable for losing weight. Each drink always contains the same number of calories, so you can easily manage your daily energy balance. It is important to note that meal replacements should not be used as the sole source of nutrition for longer than 3 weeks without medical supervision.

It has also been shown that the choice of food, whether liquid or solid, can have a significant influence on energy intake.4. So it makes a difference whether you eat solid food and consume an over-sugared drink or opt for a meal replacement that contains everything you need.

With normal solid food, it's also easy to eat an extra portion or an unhealthy dessert when you're really hungry. This is where substitute meals come in very handy. On the one hand, they fill you up faster and on the other, you know how many calories you have just eaten and when you should stop.

  • He will refer you to a suitable specialist (e.g. a dentist, psychologist, nutritionist, gastroenterologist, etc.).
  • They will inform you about your malnutrition and give you tips for everyday life that you can use to treat your malnutrition yourself.
  • They will give you an injection to counteract the current nutrient deficiency and give you tips on how to avoid such a deficiency in the future.

Get an overview of your current nutritional profile

Various apps and platforms such as Cronometer allow you to log your meals over several days. From this, you can then see which nutrients you may be consuming too little or even too much of. This allows you to increase your nutritional awareness and find out which foods you can supplement your current diet with particularly well.

Gain weight with meal replacement shakes

Is your goal to gain weight with meal replacement shakes? Meal replacement shakes can also help you with this task.

In this case, however, you should consider them less as a replacement for a meal and more as a supplement to your normal daily meals. Because as we know, body weight increases in the long term as long as there is a calorie surplus.3

Make your own meal replacement shake

By now you've probably wondered whether you could make a meal replacement shake or bar yourself. To be completely honest: Of course you can make your own "meal replacement" yourself. However, this will of course not be a meal replacement in the legal sense.

To do this, you need to be pretty well versed in the various micro- and macronutrients and their composition in different foods. For example, 100 g of an apple contains an average of 2.4 g of fiber, 0.12 mg of iron and 0.04 mg of zinc.4

Anyone trying to replicate the complex interplay of ingredients in a substitute meal - which has taken some manufacturers years to develop - in normal household use will quickly reach their limits. Although there are already some recipes online, the cost-benefit factor (in our opinion) is still not worth it.


What is a meal replacement?

Basically, meal replacement products replace an entire meal. They are mainly used as a means of losing weight. However, meal replacements are also frequently used in the field of sport and fitness. It allows you to replenish your energy reserves when there is no time for a proper meal. It is important to note that meal replacements should not be used as the sole source of nutrition for longer than 3 weeks without medical supervision.

Can you lose weight with meal replacements?

Meal replacement drinks are ideal for losing weight. Each bottle always contains the same number of calories, so you can easily manage your daily energy balance. In addition, meal replacement products are usually low in carbohydrates and high in protein. The advantage of protein is that it has a very strong satiating effect and therefore suppresses hunger. As a result, you don't get hungry as quickly and the amount of calories you consume each day is reduced. It is important that meal replacements are not used as the sole source of nutrition for longer than 3 weeks without medical supervision.

Are meal replacement products healthy?

Meal replacements are an alternative to industrially produced ready meals, which often rely heavily on flavor enhancers such as glutamate. However, it is important not to rely exclusively on meal replacements. A balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are the foundation on which you can build with meal replacements.

Can you gain weight with meal replacements?

Yes, you can gain weight with meal replacement drinks. In this case, however, you should consider them less as a replacement for a meal and more as a supplement to your normal daily meals. Body weight will increase in the long term as long as there is a calorie surplus. It is important that meal replacements should not be used as the sole source of nutrition for longer than 3 weeks without medical supervision.

How cheap is meal replacement?

This varies depending on the manufacturer. Generally, powder for mixing yourself is the cheapest alternative. Meal replacements are also cheaper than normal meals in a restaurant or from a delivery service.

Which shake to use as a meal replacement?

A good meal replacement shake should offer a balanced mix of proteins, healthy fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. You should look for products with high-quality ingredients, a low sugar content and sufficient fiber to promote satiety.

Which bar to use as a meal replacement?

For a meal replacement bar, you should look for a balanced mix of proteins, healthy fats, complex carbohydrates and fiber. It is also important that it contains all the important vitamins and minerals and uses natural ingredients without added sugar.

Sbalitelný obsah


  1. Regulation (EU) No 609/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 June 2013 on food intended for infants and young children, food for special medical purposes, and total diet replacement for weight control. Retrieved October 01, 2020 from
  2.  German Nutrition Society, Wholesome nutrition. Retrieved October 01, 2020 from
  3. Swinburn, B.A., Sacks, G., Lo, S.K., Westerterp, K.R., Rush, E.C., Rosenbaum, M., Luke, A., Schoeller, D.A., DeLany, J.P., Butte, N.F., & Ravussin, E. (2009) Estimating the changes in energy flux that characterize the rise in obesity prevalence. Am J Clin Nutr. 89(6):1723-8.
  4. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Apple, raw. Retrieved October 01, 2020 from